Copper Oxide Hydrometallurgy - Leaching Chemistry

    Brochantite Cu 4 (OH) 6 S0 4 may be dissolved in water forms a copper sulfate solution. Other copper oxide minerals can react with acids to form copper ions and dissolve in human water, so their leaching reactions are mainly related to the pH of the solution. The pH- stability diagram of water cholesteric, malachite, and azurite is shown in Figure 1. The stability of the oxidized ore is only related to the pH of the solution and the anion of the constituent salt, but not to the potential. The leaching reaction of malachite can be written as:

Cu 2
( OH )
2 C 0 3 + 4H + ==== 2Cu 2 + + CO 2 + 3H 2 0

When the cuprous mineral copper ore is reacted with an acid, the cuprous copper is disproportionated, and only half of the copper is soluble when no oxidant is involved in the reaction:

Cu 2 0 +2H + ==== Cu 2+ + Cu + H 2 0

The reaction of the chrysocolla with the acid to form hydrated silica Si0 2 ·nH 2 0 is coated on the outside of the mineral particles to retard the progress of the reaction.

CuSiO 3 · 2H 2 O+2H + ==== Cu 2+ +SiO 2 · nH 2 O+ ( 3-n ) H 2 O

    Oxidized ore often also contains some copper sulfide ore. Some ore is also leached due to the contact of ore in the heap with air. A square area in Figure 2 represents the Eh-pH range of the heap leaching . Actually hydrometallurgical oxide ore and ore mixing Sulfuration discussed in this section.

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