US develops chip-scale, lightweight and affordable lidar sensor

[ China Instrument Network Instrument Development ] It is reported that researchers at ASR Systems Inc. in California are developing chip-scale, lightweight and affordable light detection and ranging (also known as lidar) sensors for military three-dimensional ( 3D) imaging, penetrating photodetectors, navigation, and telecommunications.

On March 4, an official at the US Air Force Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio announced that it had signed a $8.2 million contract with JASR Systems for the development of chip-scale optical phased arrays and lidars. The system, which uses technology from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is called the Modular Optical Aperture Building Block (MOABB) project.
At the end of 2015, DARPA launched the MOABB project to develop free-space optical technology for affordable chip-level lidar sensors (the technology is extremely small, extremely lightweight and extremely low cost, but its beam scanning speed is now more common than it is now The technology is faster) enabling technology.
JASR Systems has expertise in coherent and non-coherent computational imaging, high performance optical systems, phased array lidars, millimeter wave radar and microwave systems, advanced atmospheric simulation and abatement techniques, and real-time processing of graphics acceleration.
The MOABB project aims to develop and demonstrate enabling technologies for integrated optics that generate, amplify, transmit and receive free-space optical radiation over a wide range of angles.
Companies involved in DARPA's MOABB sensor program include Lockheed Martin Coherent Technologies (LMCT) in Louisville, Colorado, TREX Enterprises in San Diego, Calif., and Hingham, Massachusetts. Analog Photonics, Inc., and Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, Thousand Oaks, Calif.
DARPA researchers aim to build a two-dimensional millimeter-scale transmit/receive unit with high fill factor aperture, non-mechanical beam steering and integrated amplification using MOABB. The purpose is to tile a unit cell to assemble a large coherent high power aperture.
One of the goals of the project was to create a 10 cm transmit/receive coherent array with distributed gain using wafer level processing technology and demonstrate it in a packaged lidar system for 3D imaging from 100 meters away. Coherent array.
DARPA scientists say that free-space optical systems have great potential for sensing, lighting and communications. The micron-wavelength has an angular resolution of 0.001 degrees and an antenna gain of more than 100 decibels from a 10 cm aperture.
A wide range of frequencies and frequency ranges in the terahertz range for high-speed data transmission and 3D imaging with sub-millimeter resolution. In addition, the beam also has a wide low atmospheric absorption window for remote propagation over open bandwidth.
The features of these applications cover a wide range of areas including 3D imaging, penetrating lidar, navigation and telecommunications.
While free-space optical systems are powerful, for many applications these systems are bulky, heavy, and expensive. The size and weight of the hole above 10 cm depends on the larger lens, the mirror, the mechanical part that acts as a stable function, and the bulky vacuum telescope or imaging system.
On the other hand, apertures below 10 cm still require bulky mechanical joints to control telescopes and back-end optics such as lasers and detectors.
Instead, the MOABB project intends to take advantage of the developments in integrated photonics that offer the potential for high-speed, non-mechanical beam control. Researchers say that efficient sources, detectors, amplifiers, and low-loss waveguides can be fabricated on a flat platform with high power and large apertures.
Under the contract, JASR Systems will implement the project at Solana Beach, California, and will be completed in November 2020.
(Original title: Chip-level lidar sensor for 3D imaging, navigation and communication)

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